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gain control是什么意思_怎么读

2023-09-14 英语词典

gain control

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1.增益控制 7.6 时基线扩展 expanded time-base sweep 7.8 增益控制 gain control 增益调节 gain adjustment ...

2.获得控制 gain access 获得访问权限 gain control 获得控制 Gallery 库 ...

3.增益调整 gain control amplifier 增益控制放大器 gain control 增益调整 gain control 增益控制 ...

4.增益蝶 gain constant 增益常数 gain control 增益蝶 gain crossover frequency 截止频率 ...

5.自动增益 ... 日夜转换( Day/Night selection) 自动增益( Gain Control) 白平衡( Whtie Balance) ...

6.自动增益调节 9、*LUMA( 亮度调节) 10、*GAIN CONTROL自动增益调节) 2.IN SELECTION( 输入信号选择)…


1.For all the talk of a pro-Russian mood in the east, none of the Russian oligarchs has been allowed to gain control of its industrial assets.尽管在乌克兰东部地区人民的亲俄情绪高涨,但他们并不允许任何俄罗斯的寡头政治家掌控该地区的工业资产。

2.She was struggling to gain control over the pain and indignity by unconsciously acting out a more pleasurable version of her abuse.对于自己受到的虐待,她表现的很愉快,这并不是无意识的,用这种办法,她努力控制着痛苦和屈辱。

3.Gain control of your thread and you will be able to return to the moment when Zeus betrayed you.夺取你的命运之线,你就能够回到宙斯背叛你的那一刻。

4.It is at this point that you gain control over what's going on around you.从这一点上来讲,你可以在梦中掌控梦的进程。

5.This can help you gain control of your finances again and help you to feel positive about the future.这还会帮你再一次取得控制你的资产的能力,并让你对未来有了积极的看法。

6.At the start of the game, one player from each team goes to the center of the rink for a face-off to gain control of the puck.比赛一开始,两队各派一名球员到球场中央争球,夺取冰球的控制权。

7.The investigation has been provoked by the desire of a small group of individuals in Brazil to gain control over Corinthians Football Club.这个调查已经被巴西国内一小部分群体煽动起来了,他们时为了增强对科林西安俱乐部的控制。

8.Thus, moola bandha allows us to gain control over the endocrine system as well as energize the body and mind.由此,会阴收束使我们获得对内分泌系统控制能力的同时,向身体和大脑提供能量。

9.The target of this thesis is devoted to the analysis and designs of an automatic gain control circuit for GPS receiver.文章的目的在于分析与设计一个应用于GPS卫星导航接收机的自动增益控制电路。

10.The objective was to gain control of the Dardanelles Strait, and then to press on and take Constantinople.行动目的是获得达达尼尔海峡的控制权,继而向君士坦丁堡施压并伺机夺取之。
